The Master in Big Data Management to become Data Scientist: the career of Marco

Tempo di lettura: 1 minuto e 23 secondi

“After my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics, I was looking for a field to apply my knowledge and my mindset: something concrete, real, demanded by the market with a great business value. The big data industry was the perfect solution to combine my passion for numbers and their application to one of the most developing areas of business. In Italy, business innovation led by data analytics is only starting to develop, if compared to other countries. Nevertheless, big companies are now changing their approach to bring their business up-to-date. LUISS Business School was a pioneer in investing and believing in this great opportunity.

The Master in Big Data (MaBDA) is a dynamic programme, a great source of motivation to explore the evolving world of big data. The key element of the Master’s success is the synergy of three main aspects. First, the technical part: computer science with particular attention to big data infrastructures and R, a leading data analytics programming language. Second, my favorite area: the numeric one. Data scientists deal with a mixture of mathematics, statistics and econometrics, they have to face problems in a logical way, trying to consider all the factors and the points of view involved. My background, of course, was an added value in this scenario. And last but not least, a data scientist should also have business skills: data is meaningless without its market context. As a matter of fact, MaBDA involves many subjects focused on this, and I appreciated them a lot because I had the possibility to study something new that has fostered my skills. Read more…

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