EMERGES – Executive Master in Energy Resources and Global Environmental Strategies

Tempo di lettura: 2 minuti e 7 secondi
The Energy Sector is nowadays at the center of the worldwide economic and social stage. It has become increasingly evident that all the main challenges we are facing, from global warming to exhaustion of fossil fuels, from economic development to sustainability, are tightly linked to the elements composing the System of Energy.
Acquiring a higher-level executive education in this sector means investing in a career able to generate high value in a growing field; a career centered around knowledge that matters, and that will matter everyday more. Acquiring such competencies is however a challenge. The Executive Master in Energy Resources and Global Environmental Strategies (EMERGES) has been designed with the precise intent to provide executives aiming to navigate the energy landscape with the knowledge needed to master the key elements of the sector.
With this goal in mind, LUISS Business School developed an innovative approach to education in this field, starting from a simple principle: energy production and energy consumption are the two sides of the same coin. Energy management techniques, energy efficiency, emissions trading, and investments in innovation to reduce energy consumption, are just the demand side of a system mirrored, on the supply side, by issues such as resource management, diversification and risk, development of distribution grids, and investments in innovation to reduce the costs of producing and distributing energy.
In the Energy Sector demand and supply are tightly linked. To develop a career in energy-intensive industries, such as chemicals, glass, or steel, energy managers need to open a window on the supply side and get acquainted with the main processes leading the change "on the other side". At the same time, those who want to advance their career in firms in the oil, coal, gas, electricity, or renewable-energy sectors need to learn practices to manage a demand that becomes increasingly intelligent and need to learn how energy managers think.
The EMERGES program takes this challenge and develops a course structure that creates synergies between the two perspectives, intertwining the practices of energy managers with the strategies of energy producing companies.
EMERGES is divided in one compulsory general competence set and three other competence sets at the students' choice, focused each on one step of the value chain (generation, distribution and consumption). This allows students to choose the structure most suited to their needs, and increasing the ratio between learning and investment.
For this reason, EMERGES will enhance your capabilities to lead your organization, take key decisions, face challenges in the competitive global arena of ever-evolving energy markets.
Franco Fontana
Director LUISS Business School

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