International Master in Luxury Management

Tempo di lettura: 1 minuto e 23 secondi

The International Master in Luxury Management, starting on November 23rd 2015 in Milan, is a unique program designed to meet the specific needs of the major luxury brands. It is the ideal course for students interested in acquiring technical and managerial skills to build a career in the luxury industry.

The pragmatic and interactive teaching methods are used to provide students with practical knowledge that will be of direct use in their careers.

Teachers engage students in case discussions, team-works, business games and project works. Several on site visits will be organized throughout the course to deepen students’ learning experience of Italian luxury brands. Participants will also spend some days in Florence to visit Gucci Factory and Museum, Ferragamo Museum, The Uffizi Gallery, The Mall and other important firms of Made in Italy.

The internship period is an integral part of the Master’s program and represents an important opportunity for graduates to enter the world of work. The vast network of contacts from the corporate, professional and financial sectors, along with the preparation provided by the Master’s program, will give students the opportunity to join important companies in Italy and abroad.

At the end of the course, the main areas of placement and professional openings will be in companies, consultancy firms, business associations and institutions of fashion, luxury and lifestyle sectors, in the following functions: Marketing, Communication and Events, Brand Management, Retail Merchandising, Visual Merchandising, Retail Operations, E-commerce. 

24ORE Business School grants full cost and partial cost scholarships for the most deserving candidates. 

For further information, please contact Elisabetta Panerai, tel. +39.02.3022.3960 –

Alternatively, visit our website:  

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