Master Marketing, Digital & International Strategy

Tempo di lettura: 1 minuto e 3 secondi

The Master Marketing, Digital & International Strategy, starting on November 28th 2016 in Rome, provides students with technical knowledge and managerial skills required to build a career in digital marketing strategies and international development.
The Master requires full time compulsory attendance and is composed of 6 months of classroom and workshops and 4 months of internship.
Teachers will engage students in pragmatic and interactive sessions through case discussions, group works, business games and project works. Students will receive practical knowledge and insights that will be of direct use in their careers.
The internship period adds value to the Master since it allows participants to enter the world of work complexity with solid professional tools.
The vast network of contacts from the corporate, professional and financial sectors, along with the preparation provided by the Master’s program, will give students the opportunity to join important companies in Italy and abroad.
At the end of the course, the main areas of placement will be multinational companies, web communication agencies, Media Centers, consultancy firms.
24ORE Business School grants full cost and partial cost scholarships for the most deserving candidates. 

For further information, please contact:
Adriana Anceschi
tel. +39.06.3022.3857

Federica Bitti
tel. +39.06.3022.6406

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