Tempo di lettura: 44 secondi

Partecipa al World MBA Tour Roma: sabato 5 marzo presso l’Hotel Nazionale in Piazza Montecitorio 131 a Roma potrai incontrare i responsabili dei più prestigiosi MBA del mondo.

L’iscrizione è gratuita per chi si registra on line!

Saturday 05 March 2011, h 14:00-18:00
Meet face-to-face with the MBA admissions officers and alumni of the world's top business schools,
Attend GMAT and Admissions Strategy Workshop,
Apply US$ 1,600,000+ of exclusive scholarships | Careers Panel with MBA recruiters / alumni.

Event schedule

12:00 - Registration Opens
14:00 - Event Start time
14:00 – 15:00 Workshop type: Panel Discussion
Institution: Admissions Directors from top international business schools
Presenter(s):QS World MBA Tour Team Member

Final Hour: Last opportunity to talk to schools - the final hour tends to be quieter and is ideal for longer, more complex questions.

18:00 - Fair Closes

FREE if you register online or €5 on the day (payable on fair day at the registration table).

Address details
Hotel Nazionale Roma
Piazza Montecitorio, 131 - 00186

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