Content manager per l’ambasciata inglese

Digital Communications Officer è questa la posizione da ricoprire nella sede belga dell'ambasciata inglese.

Il contratto è di assunzione a tempo pieno e indeterminato.
Richieste ottime capacità di scrittura, fluente inglese ed esperienza nella comunicazione web.
Vediamo alcuni dettagli della proposta.
Main Role
Draw up and deliver an annual digital communication strategy as part of the overarching communications strategy, deploying a range of digital communication tools;
Contribute to the successful delivery of strategic campaigns and advise colleagues on the best use of digital communications;
Manage the UK Representation's website and intranet, writing content to a high standard and updating it on a regular basis;
Take photographs and record videos of events for use online;
Evaluate the success of digital communication activities;
Develop the organisation's intranet as a corporate communication tool.

    Skills Required


    • Excellent English language writing and editorial skills;
    • Solid technical experience managing websites using a Content Management System, and using image and video editing software to publish and embed images via Flickr and YouTube;
    • Ability to design and deliver digital campaigns using appropriate online media; Experience of communicating through a range of social media platforms, such as Twitter; - Ability to evaluate the success of digital activities using web analytics.


    • Knowledge of popular CMS software such as Documentum, Wordpress or Alterian;
    • Experience with internal collaborative platforms (e.g. Microsoft, Sharepoint);
    • Experience or knowledge of external and internal communications in an international context;
    • Strong understanding of the EU and of the UK Government.

    Curriculum e lettera di motivazione vanno inviati a Recruitment Officer, CSB, Avenue d’Auderghem 10 - 1040 Brussel oppure via mail a

    Per leggere tutti i dettagli della posizione consultare il sito dell'ambasciata.

    Raffaella Giuri

    21 giugno 2012

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